CM1 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CM1 6 is a postcode sector in Chelmsford, UK. Below is a complete list of CM1 6 Postcodes (Active). CM1 6 postcode sector comprises of 247 active postcodes. CM1 6 sector has a population of 13319, and it has 5362 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CM1 6 postcode sector

CM1 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13319
Addresses / Property Count 5362
Active Postcodes 247
Nearby Postcode Districts 27
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

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showing 0-50 of 247 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CM1 6TS 51.75337200 0.48882900 9 33 571886 209006
CM1 6TT 51.75289800 0.48828100 44 104 571850 208952
CM1 6TU 51.75253500 0.48675400 55 141 571746 208908
CM1 6TW 51.75367000 0.48749800 38 97 571793 209036
CM1 6TX 51.75360200 0.49114500 33 86 572045 209037
CM1 6TY 51.75424300 0.49144100 22 66 572063 209109
CM1 6TZ 51.75393500 0.49197500 3 4 572101 209076
CM1 6UA 51.75305700 0.49310000 19 50 572182 208981
CM1 6UB 51.75251600 0.49270800 21 52 572157 208920
CM1 6UD 51.75245000 0.49371900 10 18 572227 208915
CM1 6UE 51.75254900 0.49415900 13 26 572257 208927
CM1 6UG 51.75891900 0.49610400 44 118 572367 209640
CM1 6UH 51.75564800 0.48750500 30 67 571786 209256
CM1 6UJ 51.75536600 0.48719600 9 28 571766 209224
CM1 6UL 51.75653800 0.48840900 34 81 571845 209357
CM1 6UN 51.75560400 0.48876300 23 66 571873 209254
CM1 6UP 51.75537600 0.49059100 30 74 572000 209233
CM1 6UQ 51.75824400 0.49699500 19 57 572431 209567
CM1 6UR 51.75590700 0.48972200 19 60 571938 209290
CM1 6UT 51.75504800 0.49163100 24 65 572073 209199
CM1 6UU 51.75709600 0.49725000 24 66 572453 209440
CM1 6UW 51.75525300 0.48961300 21 64 571933 209217
CM1 6UX 51.75722200 0.49641600 30 82 572395 209452
CM1 6UY 51.75719300 0.49525600 50 119 572315 209446
CM1 6WP 51.75784600 0.49030700 41 51 571971 209507
CM1 6XA 51.75543800 0.49614400 16 47 572383 209253
CM1 6XB 51.75549600 0.49724900 42 113 572459 209262
CM1 6XD 51.75617400 0.49750300 41 102 572474 209338
CM1 6XE 51.75463600 0.49752000 32 89 572481 209167
CM1 6XF 51.75484400 0.49618400 23 56 572388 209187
CM1 6XG 51.75475800 0.49516500 46 115 572318 209175
CM1 6XH 51.75592200 0.49445700 39 65 572265 209303
CM1 6XJ 51.75544600 0.49368100 26 83 572213 209248
CM1 6XL 51.75507700 0.49324100 13 33 572184 209206
CM1 6XN 51.75413600 0.49437700 21 36 572266 209104
CM1 6XP 51.75424100 0.49365800 21 26 572216 209114
CM1 6XQ 51.75516500 0.49460800 11 30 572278 209219
CM1 6XR 51.74826800 0.50174700 19 57 572797 208469
CM1 6XS 51.74844400 0.50026400 21 76 572694 208485
CM1 6XT 51.74890500 0.50015900 14 34 572685 208536
CM1 6XU 51.74928900 0.50112200 19 56 572750 208581
CM1 6XW 51.75395100 0.49417800 7 15 572253 209083
CM1 6XX 51.74860900 0.50308400 10 22 572888 208510
CM1 6XY 51.74874500 0.50133900 42 111 572767 208521
CM1 6XZ 51.74916600 0.50308600 52 95 572886 208572
CM1 6YD 51.74994400 0.50543300 16 36 573045 208664
CM1 6YE 51.75105800 0.50548000 21 53 573044 208788
CM1 6YF 51.75160700 0.50542300 14 45 573038 208849
CM1 6YG 51.74776300 0.50184900 13 38 572806 208413
CM1 6YH 51.74808200 0.50246100 7 24 572847 208450
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